Friday, September 28, 2012

File Management in PHP

Today I added a new article about File Management in PHP. File management involves copying, deleting, and renaming files. Some programmers like to use system functions to do this.

If you missed my first post about File Properties you might want to read it first. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

African Lion Safari

This year I’ve seen some really cool places in Ontario (Canada), and the most exciting one is African Lion Safari. I like the ability to drive among the animals. I made some really cool pictures.

I was afraid for my car, especially when I was among monkeys. They like to climb up almost on every car and have a ride on the roof.

African Lion Safari

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Windows 8

Totally agree. Windows 8 applications style is good enough for Tablets only. It is going to be the biggest Microsoft fail. I will not upgrade to this OS in he next 2 years for sure, unless Microsoft fixes all UI and usability bugs. I don't think MS will fix anything.

I'm glad I switched to Apple. Now I always use my MacBook Air and Mac OS X mountain lion. As Apple says - the most advanced OS ever. And it really is. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sony XPERIA Tablet S 11

Honestly, I don’t like Android. It is a quite good OS, but I prefer iPhone and iOS. Cannot tell you why, I just like it. But yesterday I found information about new tablet from Sony XPERIA Tablet S 11 and I’m very interested in buying this tablet.

Sony produces great products. All Sony laptops are great. They are a bit expensive but really great. If I have some extra money I will buy one Sony XPERIA Tablet S.